Coronavirus update
Due to the current situation with the COVID-19 virus, ALGSS activities have been suspended for the time being. HMS Pinafore has been postponed until the summer of 2021. News on Continue Reading →
Due to the current situation with the COVID-19 virus, ALGSS activities have been suspended for the time being. HMS Pinafore has been postponed until the summer of 2021. News on Continue Reading →
ALGSS relies on a number of funding sources to support our shows and other activities. Using EasyFundRaising and Amazon Smile you can contribute to the funds without having to do Continue Reading →
ALGSS next venture following our highly successful trip to Oklahoma sees us return to the idyllic rural setting of Kenneth Graham’s Wind in the Willows. Book by: Julian Fellowes Music by: George Continue Reading →
On the 9th June at 7.30 at Sy Lawrence Church, Abbots Langley, High Street WD5 0AS ALGSS are blessed with many wonderful performers from a range of backgrounds. Some of Continue Reading →
On Wed 12th July Cheryl received an email from Neil Smith explaining a group had dropped out of the G&S festival at the last minute. They had been booked to Continue Reading →
Do you enjoy singing? Would you like to be a Pirate, Policeman or one of Major General Stanley’s daughters? Then come and join Abbots Langley Gilbert & Sullivan Society for Continue Reading →
Here are the results of our recent Mikado audience prize draw. Winners are: 1 – Mrs Jean Dolamore 2 – Mrs Freda Barry 3 – Mrs B Pearce 4 – Continue Reading →
The Spring/Summer newsletter is now available to view and download. To download a pdf version right click this link and save to your desktop, tablet or phone. ALGSS Newsletter SpringSummer Continue Reading →
During our performances of “Pirates” we asked our audience to complete a survey with the chance of winning a prize. The Prize winners were 1st Prize (£150 theatre vouchers): Kevin Continue Reading →
WILL AND ART – TOGETHER AND APART Devising a concert is never anything like as easy as might be imagined, but this format seemed to result in a very satisfactory Continue Reading →