The Mikado 2016

The MikadoPerformed at The Watford Palace Theatre from the 3rd to the 6th February 2016

Set in the bustling town of Titipu, Japan.

Nanki Poo is looking for Yum Yum, Katisha is looking for Nanki Poo, The Mikado is looking for Ko-Ko and Ko-Ko wants to cut Nanki Poo’s head off!!

In typical G&S style, the plot twists and turns and in the end.

Listen to audience reaction


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NANKI-POO David Gwynne-Evans

KO-KO Geoffrey Farrar

POOH-BAH Paul Hancock

PISH-TUSH David Sutherland

YUM-YUM Jennifer Carr


PEEP-BO Annaliese Farnsworth

KATISHA Katherine Bunting

MIKADO Kevin Murray

Plus a great chorus !

Directed by Julia Rufey

Musical Direction Philip Joslin